Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pre-Juicing; The day before

For a couple of weeks now, Aaron has been talking about going on a juicing detox diet. Back in early January, we watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and decided we would try the juicing diet before Spring. Well, that didn't happen because family things came up, and we just couldn't be bothered with the amount of stress we were dealing with at the time, and a diet was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway, 8 very long months pass by, things have calmed down, and we are finally a bit comfortable enough to start this diet, or I guess I should say I am. I know, I know. Excuses. Excuses got me where I am today, and I'm ready for a change. A change to better myself.

My plan is in the mornings have fruit juice. If I get hungry, I'll have a low fat yogurt, and a piece of fruit, but that has to be before 10am. Now, as a few days pass, depending on how my body feels, I will completely stop with the yogurt and piece of fruit. Everything else will be juiced fruits and vegetables, and water for the rest of the day. Possibly some tea at night, and try not to have any juice after 8pm.

I'm not going to post my current weight, but I will TRY to do daily weight loss updates for at least the first week. I stress the word try, because I'm really bad about sticking to things...just like when I started this blog. I posted twice in 2011, and haven't updated it since. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to step on the scale, and keep that number to myself until I'm comfortable enough to let out my secret lol.

Moving on. This was our purchase at Costco. Aaron wanted a new juicer, since we just have some dingy Hamilton Beach one. We got kale, spinach, apples, oranges, carrots, strawberries, red beets (never had them before) broccoli, tomatoes, bananas and cucumbers. Not bad for starters.

I'd wish myself good luck, but I don't want to base this diet on luck. I want to have the willpower for myself. I want to finally fall through with something to benefit myself.